Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Promise the Moon

Such a beautiful sight tonight. 

The light of the night that shines unto my might.

I vividly remember the memories by the moon. A simple pact that made my life go bloom. The promise of forever that we gave to the moon is a reminder of how prosperous and radiant sentiments are all of.

Our love was the embodiment of Samson and Delilah, We were the epitome of the glittering diamonds hidden beneath and an example of a dedication that should’ve never descend. 

I remember by the moon, under the sky of lights we enjoyed liquors of scotch and movies of old. Gradually crawling upon me is the soft figure of your extraordinary body contacting every molecule in my body raising my corruption towards the erotic scenery of your nudity while we slowly danced the night.

I remember by the moon, she was the witness of all nostalgic but remarkable glimpse we made especially the scorching nights we laid. I remember by the moon, exactly 9pm in the night when you gave your sweetest delight, that promise by the moon which our lips of despite have no buts and yet conquered the fear of the night. 

I remember by the moon, the spell you cast upon me every time you get angry. Your witchery jealousy was caused by my immaturity. Killing your vibe with my blatant and miscalculated jokes were on purpose to grasp a flash of that irresistible smirk and that was all by the moon.

Just like the moon, love rises and sets. 

Just like the moon, it all starts and ends. 

Just like the moon, reflection does not prove connection.

…and I remember by the moon, that now I can’t remember.

Artwork | IG@sabeth_art

Friday, November 16, 2018


I was born in Lorega, an short street in cebu city known for its notorious and heinous crimes. Well basically we moved after the "Waway Chronicles" (cebuano stories do get a little interesting sometimes ๐Ÿคฃ) so i didn't had a glimpse of what would be my you know; childhood-reason-why-im-out-of-the-school-youth, everyone knows that that only happens behind the scripts of a filmmaker besides not much narrative i can tell you about my family but just like the typical strict paternal-structured, i was raised just as adequate to be a mature and stable individual. Loved and Appreciated

Dont get me wrong. Im not the achiever type of student during my adolescence. Not even a bookworm nor a crammer on late lights. What's worse? i dont even submit projects or assignments; special occasions include except when it's finals. 
I just want to live my life to my own accord. Happy-go-lucky may be a classic adage to describe a person but i got that feeling it suits me. I found a dim habit in unusual activities that my peers enjoy. Chess, Books, Theories about the origin of universe (only science!) 

I spent most of my childhood at home. AudioThough i was part of the late BATANG 90s, I was also introduced early to technology which built my enthusiasm in computers. LOTR, THE.BEST.LORE.EVER. LOTR: the return of the king took part in my love for art since it made me research the apex of Ennorath. The first age ๐Ÿง™‍♂️ where the bearded grey; seldom mentioned, older than the middle earth, is yet a disombodied spirit in the undying lands -- If i narrate the whole storyline it may lose your interest in this el-cheapo.

I also played chase and tag (not much but i did) while running back and forth on greenfields with some friends where bees and flys are adamant. Yes you read the right, ADAMANT. Whenever the red orange sunks beyond the horizon, those pests do rise. Fire, smokes, pesticides or even glyphosate itself. whatever you do, in our place those insects are already immunized. It's like they also have their part of the day ๐Ÿ˜† 

If you ask me when/where/how did i get the likes for writing. 
At one time during my hs life, i did get depressed and its really embarassing to recall those moments.
I think my whole hs life was all about depression.
Emo as Rodrick and Silent as Hiram. 
I had a friend named Miame, she was an angel sent from above, i think to heed about my depression? Or nah. She was just there because of classroom assignments. I just liked her (not romantically) for she's always there when im alone, though sometimes i feel we share the same predicaments. 
When Miame was not there, i would write stories i imagine and draw characters; monsters in general at the back of my binder.
 Humble (x) Unexpected (✓) Beginnings.
Dreams as i believe are kind of imaginative.
You are the only one spinning your wheel of fortune. From scraps you mold your key to the golden treasure. So in short language, i prefer independent persons.

Enough of the introduction, so much interested in my life no ?๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿ“ธ

Enjoy the blog!

The views and opinions expressed in this blog are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any government or religious affliation.

Promise the Moon

Such a beautiful sight tonight.  The light of the night that shines unto my might. I vividly remember the memories by the moon. A simple pac...